Wednesday, December 14, 2011

#16-20 of Praying for your child

by Mollie

   Last week #15 was about generosity.  That is something that is really hitting home with my family.  Almost 4 years ago Ronnie and I lost our home in a fire. Not the San Diego fires, but an apartment fire in Costa Mesa.  To top it off it was the day of our 1st wedding anniversary.

   There was a 15 yr old kid who left a lamp turned over on the bed.  It got to hot and started the fire.  Ronnie and I got out with our lives and the clothes on our back.  We moved in that night with my in-laws here in San Diego and started rebuilding our lives.  The people at GVC blessed us tremendously, they blessed us with clothing, furniture, appliances, everything. They were generous.

  That is something that Ronnie and I are seeking to teach our girls.  To be generous with our time and our resources.  Watoto taught me that.  I blogged about it on Monday, click HERE.  I think it is SO important to pray that over our children, I want their lives to be a blessing.

Here are numbers 16 - 20

 #16:  Peace, peaceability. "Father, may they 'make every effort to do what leads to peace" (Rom 14:19)

 #17: Joy. "May they be filled 'with joy given by the Holy Spirit" (1 Thess 1:6)

 #18: Perseverance.  "Lord, teach them perseverance in all they do, and help them especially to 'run with perseverance the race marked out for {them}" (Heb 12:1)

 #19:  Humility.  "God, please cultivate in my children the ability to 'show true humility toward all" (Titus 3:2)

 #20: Compassion. "Lord, please clothe them with the virtue of compassion" (Col 3:12)

   I would LOVE to hear if you and your family are participating in these prayers.  Just leave a comment here or email me (

  THIS FRIDAY is Family Caroling!  There will be a post tomorrow about it OR click on the left sidebar to find out more info.. Hope to see you there!


1 comment:

  1. Mollie, Thank you for sharing. I have not been sharing these prayers with my kids but will begin to do so. Thanks again for your service to the Lord with our children.
    Ted Mendenhall II
