Thursday, February 9, 2012

Check out what's HAPPENING!

by Mollie


There are still spaces available and we want your kiddos to come!  Its for ages 3-9 and starts at 5pm on Sat the 11th.

Click HERE for the page.

If you would like to sign up please just leave a comment here with your kids names and ages and I'll make sure they are on the list and you can pay when you drop them off.


make sure you get to church a few minutes early because this Sunday is POPCORN Sunday!!


For all our K-5th graders this Sunday during 2nd service is BIBLE BINGO!! Be there or be square!

Hope you see you all sometime this weekend...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

In Christ Alone

by Mollie

  Do you have a song? That one worship song that captures your attention no matter what you are feeling that day? Even if you are late, grumpy, your kids spilled breakfast on you, and you have a list of chores a mile long...this song lifts you up.

 "In Christ Alone" is that song for me.  Every time I hear it sung it bring chills up and down my body.  The lyrics are powerful.

Take a minute and worship. You know you want to (wink, wink)

 What's your favorite song?  Leave a comment and tell me!


Thursday, February 2, 2012


by Mollie

    The teachers that are in the classroom with your kids are amazing. Like "holy guacamole" amazing. They commit to teaching your little ones for 13 weeks straight! Its a huge commitment, but we believe it's VERY important!

Being in the classroom that frequently allows for the kiddos to build a relationship and be more prone to seek a relationship with God because of the consistent example their teachers are setting for them.

  BUT their 13 weeks are coming to an end and they get a well deserved quarter off.  Which means?!?!?!?  There are now teaching opportunities available.  If it is on your heart to get involved with Kids ministry please leave a comment here or contact Nicole or me. (
