Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Summer is HERE!

by Mollie

  Are you ready?!?

Sign up to VOLUNTEER

Or just get more information

 There will be an information meeting about how to participate after 3rd service next week (5/20).  

Hope to see you there! This is going to be an epic summer! 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

And the WINNERS are....

by Mollie

  The winners from the registration cards are......





Leave a comment here to let me know if you would like your gift card for Starbucks, Golden Spoon, or Jamba Juice. 


Thanks for filling out the registration forms for your kiddos. 

*If anyone still needs to fill out NEW forms for their kids, they are available in each classroom sign in binder. 



Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Special Announcement...

by Mollie

  VBS is coming!!  

Babylon VBS Overview

July 16th - 20th  from 9am - 12pm.

 Mark it on your calendars NOW!

Pre-registration will start soon... 

also... please be praying about how you can be involved this year, we would love to have you on our team!


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Do you know?!?

by Mollie

 .... our intern KRISTIN?!?!?

We are blessed beyond our wildest dreams to have Kristin on our team.  Take a second and click on her profile to learn more about her.  Also... if you see her, give her a squeeze and thank her for all her time with our kiddos.  

Have a great week!


Thursday, March 8, 2012

What's Happening @ GVC Kids {Popcorn Sunday}

by Mollie

 THIS SUNDAY (March 11th) make sure you come early to your service because its 


Anyone and everyone is welcome to popcorn as a special treat!

We will also have new registration forms for EVERYONE to fill out.  

Turn in your registration form that morning and you will get a ticket for a raffle prize.  

Can't wait to see you there!


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Introducing..... {our teachers}

The Starting line up of our new
  Spring Quarter TEACHERS!!!

 These incredible people dedicate 13 weeks of their time to teach your kiddos! 

Teaching our Toddlers (using my best announcer voice of course)... we have:

Mr. Mitch, Ms Allison, Ms Nikki, and Mr. Ronnie

Teaching our Preschoolers... we have:

Ms Krista & Ms Sharon

Teaching our Kinders... we have:

Ms Sara & Ms. Danielle

Teaching our Elementary kiddos... we have

Mr. Steve, Ms. Bette, Ms. Lynette, Ms. Shannon, Mr. Greg, Mr. Craig, and Ms. Beth

  If you get the opportunity to see any of these awesome volunteers... take a minute to give them a squeeze and thank them for their time. 

We are blessed! 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Check out what's HAPPENING!

by Mollie


There are still spaces available and we want your kiddos to come!  Its for ages 3-9 and starts at 5pm on Sat the 11th.

Click HERE for the page.

If you would like to sign up please just leave a comment here with your kids names and ages and I'll make sure they are on the list and you can pay when you drop them off.


make sure you get to church a few minutes early because this Sunday is POPCORN Sunday!!


For all our K-5th graders this Sunday during 2nd service is BIBLE BINGO!! Be there or be square!

Hope you see you all sometime this weekend...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

In Christ Alone

by Mollie

  Do you have a song? That one worship song that captures your attention no matter what you are feeling that day? Even if you are late, grumpy, your kids spilled breakfast on you, and you have a list of chores a mile long...this song lifts you up.

 "In Christ Alone" is that song for me.  Every time I hear it sung it bring chills up and down my body.  The lyrics are powerful.

Take a minute and worship. You know you want to (wink, wink)

 What's your favorite song?  Leave a comment and tell me!


Thursday, February 2, 2012


by Mollie

    The teachers that are in the classroom with your kids are amazing. Like "holy guacamole" amazing. They commit to teaching your little ones for 13 weeks straight! Its a huge commitment, but we believe it's VERY important!

Being in the classroom that frequently allows for the kiddos to build a relationship and be more prone to seek a relationship with God because of the consistent example their teachers are setting for them.

  BUT their 13 weeks are coming to an end and they get a well deserved quarter off.  Which means?!?!?!?  There are now teaching opportunities available.  If it is on your heart to get involved with Kids ministry please leave a comment here or contact Nicole or me. (mollie.robison@yahoo.com)


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

If - Then

by Mollie

The promises in the Bible are good. Like really good.  God promises all sorts of good things that would seem PERFECT in our lives RIGHT NOW.  So often I forget the first part of those verses: the "if"

Isaiah 58:9-11 says.
  "you will call, and the LORD will answer;
   you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I.
   IF you do away with the yoke of oppression,
   with the pointing finger and malicious talk, 
and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed,

then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. 

The LORD will guide you always;  he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. 

You will be like a well-watered garden,  like a spring whose waters never fail."

 My friend, Holly, brought this verse to my attention and I really like the last part. "a well-watered garden"  Peaceful, lush, serene... are you picturing it with me?!?

Its the "IF" in those verses that are gonna get me. 

  The Message puts it like this:

  What I'm interested in seeing you do is: 

   sharing your food with the hungry, 
   inviting the homeless poor into your homes, 
   putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad, 
   being available to your own families.

Do this and the lights will turn on, 
   and your lives will turn around at once.
Your righteousness will pave your way. 
   The God of glory will secure your passage.
Then when you pray, God will answer. 
   You'll call out for help and I'll say, 'Here I am.'

God is good and He continually blesses us more than we could ever expect, but some of those promises have an "if"  

Things I should already be doing...  

I hope you and your family have a fantastic week!


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Want to go on a date?

by Mollie

  Let us help.  Kids Ministry is hosting a date night for the families in the church.  Saturday, February 11th from 5-7pm.  Its for ages 3-9 only and the cost is $5 per kiddo.  We have some really fun games, activities, and snacks planned.  Your kids will have a GREAT time and you get a night out that is easy on the wallet.

There are limited spaces so make sure to sign up quickly!! Sign ups start on Sunday. 

I hope this allows you and your sweetie a night out!


THIS Sunday is Missionary Sunday! The team that went to El Salvador will be sharing about their trip with our 1st - 5th graders.  This is ONLY 2nd service so make sure to be there!!  


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Changing Times...

by Mollie

   We have an incredible staff here at GVC.  I am really blessed by a lot of these people, but nothing is better than our staff meetings.  We get the privilege of doing a devotional together at the beginning and I am always challenged.

 This month our Jr. High Director, Andrew, did a devotional about how God doesn't change.

  Its a simple concept on the surface, God doesn't change.  Then you start to think about all the things that do change: the weather, kids, family dynamics, routines, seasons, etc. God stays consistent through all of it.

  I have a routine with my girls.  We get up at the same time everyday, eat our meals around the same time, take naps, etc.  When we are off our "schedule" they are grumpy and it makes things difficult.  My girls are comforted by consistency.  Don't you think that rings true about our relationship with God?  God is consistent, He is our comforter.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."  James 1:17

p.s.  our staff is also pretty cool too... we played around the world ping pong after the meeting! 


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Meet Nicole!

by Mollie

 Take a minute to get to know our new(ish) Co-Director Nicole!!

  Click HERE to read her profile! Don't even get me started about how grateful I am for this girl!!


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Final Six - Prayer

by Mollie

  This is it.. The final 6 ways to pray over your kiddos.

#26:  The willingness and ability to work hard. "Teach them, Lord, to value work and to work hard at everything they do, 'as working for the Lord, not for human masters'"  (Col 3:23)

#27:  A passion for God. "Instill in them, Lord, a soul that 'followeth hard after thee,' a heart that clings passionately to you (Ps 63:8)

#28: Self-discipline.  "Father, may they develop self-discipline, that they may acquire 'a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair" (Prov 1:3)

#29:  Prayerfulness. "Grant, Lord, that their lives may be marked by prayerfulness, that they may learn to 'pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests'" (Eph 6:18)

#30:  Gratitude. 'help them to live lives 'overflowing with thankfulness'; that they may be always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ'" (Col 2:7)

#31:  A heart for missions. "Lord, please develop in them a desire to see your glory declared among the nations, your marvelous deeds among all peoples" (Ps 96:3)

  I know that my family and I have enjoyed praying through these.

If you missed the first segments you can find them here:

Numbers 1-10
Numbers 11-15
Numbers 16-20
Numbers 21-25


Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Resolutions

by Mollie

 ** We are taking a quick break from the prayer lists to celebrate the new year!

 I hope that you and your families has a spectacular new year!  I know I stayed up way too late, but it was SUPER fun!  Our family had a super competitive game of Cranium going on, HYSTERICAL!!

  Ronnie and I don't typically set resolutions but this year we decided to bite the bullet and do it.  We each set individual resolutions.  Both of us are going to try to be more disciplined: with devotionals, working out, eating healthy, etc.  We also set a family resolution: we decided to do one generous act each month for the entire year.  This is going to span from making lunches, doing someones yard, helping someone move, etc.  This month we decided to go and visit one of the elderly homes in Rancho Bernardo, we are going to take the kiddos and just go spend some time visiting and chatting.  I'm really excited to see how these acts are going to influence our family and our girls.

  I also set a couple resolutions for the GVC kids ministry.  Here they are:

 #1:  That this ministry would be family based.  Through Sunday School and other events, we (staff) would be able to empower and equip parents to have spiritual conversations at home with their kiddos.

#2:  This blog would serve as a tool for families to relate and connect with one another.  Please follow and leave comments.  I want to hear what is going on with your families and I know everyone else does too!

  I can't wait to start this new year, I KNOW God has big things in store!
