Thursday, January 26, 2012

Want to go on a date?

by Mollie

  Let us help.  Kids Ministry is hosting a date night for the families in the church.  Saturday, February 11th from 5-7pm.  Its for ages 3-9 only and the cost is $5 per kiddo.  We have some really fun games, activities, and snacks planned.  Your kids will have a GREAT time and you get a night out that is easy on the wallet.

There are limited spaces so make sure to sign up quickly!! Sign ups start on Sunday. 

I hope this allows you and your sweetie a night out!


THIS Sunday is Missionary Sunday! The team that went to El Salvador will be sharing about their trip with our 1st - 5th graders.  This is ONLY 2nd service so make sure to be there!!  


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